


What is a Part-FCL licence?

Part-FCL licence is a licence issued in accordance with Regulation (EU) 1178/2011. Part-FCL licence allows the holder to operate an aircraft with the EASA type certificate or other equivalent document that is registered in any EU member state.

What are the different categories of licences and which privileges do they include?

Part-FCL licences are divided into private: LAPL (Light aircraft pilot licence) and PPL (Private pilot licence) and professional licences: CPL (Commercial pilot licence), MPL (Multi-crew pilot licence) i ATPL (Airline transport pilot licence).





Aircraft categories:



Privileges to act as:

PIC on single engine aircraft with MTOM ≤ 2000 kg carrying a maximum of 3 passengers

PIC/co-pilot in non‑commercial operations

*Includes privileges of LAPL holder

Training done in:



Theoretical knowledge examination:



Medical certificate:

Class LAPL, Class 2 or Class 1

Class 2 or class 1






Aircraft categories:




Privileges to act as:

·         PIC/co-pilot in operations other than commercial air transport

·         PIC in commercial air transport of single-pilot aircraft

·         Co-pilot in commercial air transport

*Includes privileges of LAPL/PPL


·         Co-pilot in commercial air transport

*Includes privileges of a PPL(A) holder if requirements from Subpart C are met

*Includes privileges of a CPL(A) holder if requirements of FCL.325.A are met

·         PIC in commercial air transport

*Includes privileges of LAPL, PPL and CPL holder


Training done in:

ATO – modular or integrated training course



Theoretical knowledge examination:




Medical certificate:

Class 1

Class 1

Class 1


What are the basic requirements to obtain a Part-FCL licence?

1)       Completed theoretical training in an ATO or DTO authorised for the theoretical training for the issue of the applicable licence;

2)       Passed theoretical knowledge examination at the CCAA or other authority of an EU member state;

3)       Medical certificate of the appropriate class;

4)       Completed practical training for the issue of the applicable licence in an ATO or DTO;

5)       Application for the Skill test at the CCAA – after finished practical training and passed theoretical knowledge examination, the applicant can apply for the Skill test for the issue of Part-FCL licence. If they meet all of the requirements, the CCAA will issue an Approval for the Skill test and designate the examiner to conduct the Skill test;

6)       Passed practical skill test;

7)       Language proficiency for Croatian and/or English language – all Part-FCL holders shall demonstrate language proficiency of at least ICAO operational level (level 4) for Croatian and/or English language, depending on the licence category and ratings sought.

After meeting all of listed requirements and successfully passing the Skill test, the applicant can apply to the CCAA for the issue of a Part-FCL licence.

Where can I find a list of all approved/declared training organisations?

Lists of ATOs/DTOs are published on the CCAA's website:

ATO - List of ATOs approved by the CCAA

DTO - List of DTOs approved by the CCAA


Where can I find more information about medical examinations for the issue of medical certificates class 1/2/LAPL?


Detail information and guidance for medical certificates can be found on the aeromedical section of CCAA’s website:


Where can I find more information about the theoretical knowledge examination conducted at the CCAA?


Guidance material on theoretical examination for the issue of Part-FCL licences, the schedule for examination sittings for the current year and the schedule for the upcoming exam sitting can be found on:


When is the English language proficiency mandatory?


To exercise the privilege of the instrument rating, a pilot has to hold a valid English language proficiency endorsement, of at least operational ICAO level 4. Initial testing and testing for the revalidation/renewal of the English language proficiency is conducted in Language testing bodies.

To exercise the privilege of a licence without IR, a pilot has to hold a valid English and/or Croatian language proficiency endorsement. Initial testing and testing for the revalidation/renewal of the Croatian language proficiency is conducted by the aviation inspectors at the CCAA.


How can I apply for the practical skill test for the issue of a Part-FCL licence or an instrument rating (IR)?


Before skill tests for the issue of a licence or an instrument rating the candidate has to apply to the CCAA. The supporting documents to the application should include a recommendation for the Skill test issued by the ATO/DTO (for IR and all licence categories accept ATPL) and proof of compliance with the requirements filled out by the candidate (for the ATPL).

After reviewing the application, the CCAA will issue an Approval for the skill test to the applicant. The examiner who is going to conduct the skill test will be designated in the approval.


When should the Proficiency check for the rating revalidation be performed?


Proficiency check for the revalidation of the class or type rating shall be passed on the relevant aircraft or FSTD in the 3 months preceding the rating expiry date. If the proficiency check is done more than 3 months before the rating expiry date, the new expiry date will be counted from the last day of the month in which the PC was done.

My rating has expired. How can I renew my rating?


For the renewal of an expired rating, the applicant should pass an assessment to determine if further training is needed to reach the level of proficiency to safely operate the aircraft. The assessment should be done by:

·         an ATO, or

·         DTO/ATO/instructor - if the rating expired no more than 3 years ago and the rating concerned a non‑high‑performance single-engine piston class rating or a TMG class rating.

If deemed necessary by the ATO/DTO/instructor the applicant should complete refresher training and an organisation or with an instructor providing the assessment. After finished training, the applicant has to pass a proficiency check with an examiner.


I am a holder of a Part-FCL licence issued in an EU member state. Can I transfer my licence to Croatia?


To change the state of licence issue, the applicant has to submit an application form LIC-FRM-219 with the supporting documents. Licences issued by EU member states, Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland can also be transferred to Croatia.

After receiving the application, the CCAA will request licence verification and applicant’s medical documentation from the state of licence issue.


I am a holder of an ICAO licence issued by a third country. Can I convert my third country licence to Croatian Part‑FCL?


The ICAO licences can be converted to Part-FCL following the requirements set in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/723. To start the conversion process, the applicant can apply with form LIC-FRM-220 and supporting documents. The application must be submitted before the conversion skill test and all requirements should be met depending on the category of licence.

After receiving the application, the CCAA will request licence verification from the state of licence issue.


What are the requirements for the conversion of an ICAO PPL?


To convert an ICAO PPL to Part-FCL, the applicant shall:

·         Hold a medical certificate of at least class 2 issued in accordance with Annex IV (Part-MED) of Regulation (EU) 1178/2011;

·         Demonstrate language proficiency in accordance with point FCL.055 of Annex I (Part-FCL) of Regulation (EU) 1178/2011;

·         Have experience of more than 100 hours as a pilot;

·         Pass a written exam in Air law and Human performance at the CCAA;

·         Meet the requirements for the issue of the relevant class or type rating in accordance with Subpart H;

·         Pass a PPL skill test in accordance with Annex I (Part-FCL) of Regulation (EU) 1178/2011. The skill test has to be conducted by a flight examiner (FE) certified by the CCAA.


What are the requirements for the conversion of an ICAO CPL?


To convert an ICAO CPL to Part-FCL, the applicant shall:

·         Hold a medical certificate of class 1 issued in accordance with Annex IV (Part-MED) of Regulation (EU) 1178/2011;

·         Demonstrate language proficiency in accordance with point FCL.055 of Annex I (Part-FCL) of Regulation (EU) 1178/2011;

·         Complete additional theoretical knowledge instruction at an ATO approved for CPL/ATPL theoretical training by an EU member state – the ATO should determine the amount of training needed for the applicant after assessing their knowledge and experience;

·         Pass CPL or ATPL theoretical knowledge examination at the CCAA or at the aviation authority of any other EU member state;

·         Meet the requirements for the issue of the relevant class or type rating in accordance with Subpart H;

·         Finish additional practical training at an ATO approved by an EU member state – the ATO should determine the amount of training based on the pre-entry flight test;

·         Hold a valid rating on which the CPL skill test can be conducted in their third country licence;

·         Pass a CPL skill test in accordance with Annex I (Part-FCL) of Regulation (EU) 1178/2011 with a flight examiner (FE) certified by the CCAA. *CPL(A) skill test should be conducted on a complex class rated airplane (SEP or MEP) certificated for the carriage of at least four persons, which has a variable pitch propeller and

retractable landing gear.

·         To convert the instrument rating from an ICAO licence, the applicant has to finish Competency-based modular flying training course in accordance with Appendix 6 Aa of Regulation (EU) 1178/2011 and pass the IR skill test.


What are the requirements for the conversion of an ICAO ATPL?


To convert an ICAO ATPL to Part-FCL, the applicant shall:

·         Meet the experience requirements for the issue of an ATPL in accordance with Subpart F;

·         Pass the ATPL theoretical knowledge examination at the CCAA or at an aviation authority of any other EU member state;

·         Hold a medical certificate of class 1 issued in accordance with Annex IV (Part-MED) of Regulation (EU) 1178/2011;

·         Demonstrate language proficiency in accordance with point FCL.055 of Annex I (Part-FCL) of Regulation (EU) 1178/2011;

·         Hold a valid multi-pilot type rating in their ICAO licence and have more than 500 flight hours on that type for airplanes or more than 350 flight hours in case of helicopters;

·         Pass an ATPL skill test in accordance with Annex I (Part-FCL) of Regulation (EU) 1178/2011. The skill test has to be conducted by a type rating examiner (TRE) certified by the CCAA on an FSTD of the relevant type which is certified by EASA or an EU member state.


What are my obligations in regards to carrying and presentation of documents?


A valid licence and a valid medical certificate shall always be carried by the pilot when exercising the privileges of their licence. The pilot shall also carry a personal identification document containing their photo.

A pilot or a student pilot shall without undue delay present their flight time record for inspection upon request by an authorised representative of a competent authority.


Am I required to log my flight time in a logbook?


The pilot shall keep a reliable record of the details of all flights flown in a form and manner established by the competent authority. Flight crew logbook entries should be made as soon as practicable after any flight undertaken.


Where can I find the forms concerning the Part-FCL pilot licences?


All forms can be found on the CCAA’s website:


How can I submit my application form to the CCAA?


Application form can be submitted:

1) via post or in person at the CCAA, if the form contains a handwritten signature,

2) via e-mail at if the form is signed with a qualified electronic signature in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 910/2014.