

Flight operations

There are following kinds of flight operations:

  • Commercial Air Transport (transport of passengers, cargo and mail for remuneration or other means of compensation)
  • Specialized Operations (aerial work)
  • Non-Commercial Operations with Complex Motor Powered Aircraft
  • Non-Commercial Operations with Other than Complex Motor Powered Aircraft
  • Operations with Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Flight operations may be carried out with:

• aircraft that has been certified by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) or aircraft whose type design has been validated by EASA on the basis of certification procedure carried out in the country of the aircraft design (the so-called EASA aircraft)

• aircraft from Annex I to Regulation (EU) No. 2018/1139 for which a Certificate of Airworthiness has been issued in accordance with the Chicago Convention or Flight Permit (the so-called Annex I aircraft)

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/947, with unmanned aerial systems complying with conditions prescribed in Regulation (EU) 2019/945. During transition period until 31.12.2022. operations with unmanned aerial systems which do not comply with conditions prescribed in Regulation (EU) 2019/945, are allowed in limited open category. Conditions for limited open category may be seen here: 


Complex motor powered aircraft is:

a) an aeroplane:

  • with a maximum certificated take-off mass exceeding 5 700 kg, or
  • certificated for a maximum passenger seating configuration of more than nineteen, or
  • certificated for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots, or
  • equipped with (a) turbojet engine(s) or more than one turboprop engine, or

b) a helicopter certificated:

  • for a maximum take-off mass exceeding 3 175 kg, or
  • for a maximum passenger seating configuration of more than nine, or
  • for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots, or

c) a tilt rotor aircraft;

All flight operations in the Republic of Croatia are subject to the provisions of the Air Traffic Act, Regulation (EU) No. 923/2012 (SERA) and the Ordinance on the rules of the Air.